Find an Eye Doctor Near You
West Texas Eye Associates has 6 locations throughout Lubbock and Midland, Texas. Our facilities combine expert care with convenient service.
West Texas Eye Associates has 6 locations throughout Lubbock and Midland, Texas. Our facilities combine expert care with convenient service.
12210 Quaker Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424
4804 S Loop 289
Lubbock, TX 79414
12210 Quaker Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424
5109 80th St
Lubbock, TX 79424
West Texas Eye Associates
805 W. Wadley Ave.
Midland, TX 79705
When you search for Locations Near You, you’ll get a list of the nearest locations. This list will include the phone number and address for each location. It will also tell you if that location is a clinic, a surgery center, or both and whether or not it has an on-site optical shop. For example, full-service eye centers like our location include a treatment clinic, surgery center, and an on-site optical department where you can get eye exams, and shop for designer and prescription eyewear. In addition to the optical shop, the location is where you can find eye doctors, eyeglasses and contacts, and eye specialists near you.
By clicking Location Details, you’ll go to a page that provides details for each site. On each location detail page, you can access hours of operation, which doctors work from that location and their specialties, the specialty services of the location, patient reviews, a map, and directions to the eye center.
Patients can easily schedule an appointment for their location of choice in one of two ways: by clicking on the Schedule Online button or by calling a location directly.
The Schedule Online button allows you to book an eye appointment through the website from the list of locations or the individual location’s webpage. You can also find that location’s phone number and call during business hours to schedule your appointment or ask questions.
Our eye centers can accept a wide range of medical and vision insurance providers, and you can view the list of insurances accepted here. Medical insurance is used for emergencies or disease management, while vision insurance typically covers routine screenings and lenses. If you don’t see your insurance provider on this list, please call, as insurance changes throughout the year.
Are you wondering who you should see for your eye exam? Here are the differences between Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, and Opticians.
are eye doctors who have undergone, at a minimum, a four-year doctorate program in optometry. They train to:
Some optometrists also provide eye care services like low-vision services and vision therapy.
Ophthalmologists are medical doctors (MDs) or sometimes osteopathic doctors (ODs) who have had four years of medical school, a year-long internship, and a minimum of three years of hospital residency in diagnosing and treating eye disorders. Their specialty involves:
Opticians, meanwhile, are not doctors. They fit and sell glasses based on the optometrist or ophthalmologist’s prescription. Some opticians can also be certified for contact lens fitting.
When you click Location Details under the locations near you, you’ll be able to see the names and profiles of the doctors who practice at that location. You can also go to the Our Doctors tab and see our entire staff of eye care experts. You can search by name or specialty, and by clicking View Doctor Bio, you can see the locations where each doctor has a practice.
Do your research before selecting an eye-care specialist nearby. Qualify your eye specialist before hiring them to care for and protect your vision. The best long-term eye care practice has many locations and experienced, multi-specialty ophthalmologists and optometrists for the expertise you need and the patient care you want.